Latest Machinimas
The Craft of War
Craft of War: Blind is a World of Warcraft machinima about a blood elf rogue trying to kill Onyxia in her human form in stormwind (in an earlier patch while she still was in Stormwind City).
300 - Rome 2 Montage
The epic graphic novel by Frank Miller (Sin City) assaults the screen with the blood, thunder and awe of its ferocious visual style faithfully recreated in an intense blend of live-action and CGI...
Grand Theft Auto IV - The Trashmaster
Grand Theft Auto IV - The Trashmaster is a pretty stunning accomplishment. French filmmaker Mathieu Weschler has invested two years creating in the first feature-length (88...
Acacyn - Alien VS Clone I - Part 2
Second part of AVC - ALIEN VS CLONE I, a machinima made with the game Operation Flashpoint and the Galaxy At War modification. The editing, cut and ... Alle » compositing of the Sound-,...
Acacyn - Alien VS Clone I - Part 1
AVC - Alien VS Clone I, is a machinima made with the game Operation Flashpoint and the Galaxy At War modification. The editing, cut and ... Alle » compositing of the Sound-, Music-,...