Batman: Arkham City is set one year after the events of Arkham Asylum. After taking credit for the take down ofthe Joker, Quincy Sharp has managed to become the new mayor of Gotham City. Despite knowing that Sharp was dangerously psychotic from reading his journal in the first game, Batman did nothing to prevent this. Due to the fact that Arkham Asylum and Blackgate Prison are both unfit to store prisoners, Sharp has the slums of Gotham walled off in order to create a new "prison" for the inmates, nicknamed " Arkham City". With the walls in place, Sharp lets the inmates loose with one simple rule: not to try and escape. Psychologist Hugo Strangeis brought in as the 'warden' of this new prison.
When part of Gotham is turned into a private reserve for criminals, all hell is sure to break loose, and the Dark Knight is the only one who can stop it.
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