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Mass Effect 3 - Episode 10
Episode 10: "The Coup" After speaking with the Salarian Councilor, who expressed his concerns with the newly appointed Councilor Udina, Shepard heads to the Citadel to find out exactly...
Mass Effect 3 - Episode 9
Episode 9: "The Shroud" With Mordin's work on the genophage cure nearly complete, Wrex, Victus, and Shepard must help him devise a way to distribute it to all Krogan as quickly as...
Mass Effect 3 - Episode 8
Episode 8: "Turian Honor" Primarch Victus requests Shepard's help to rescue a Turian platoon that crash landed on Tuchanka during a top secret mission.
Mass Effect 3 - Episode 7
Episode 7: "Sour Songs" After Shepard catches up with Mordin and gets to know "Eve", the female Krogan, he helps Wrex search for his missing scouts.
Mass Effect 3 - Episode 6
Episode 6: "Eve" The war summit is ready to commence, with representatives from the Turians, Krogan, and Salarians all set to meet aboard the Normandy to discuss the possibility of an...
Mass Effect 3 - Episode 5
Episode 5: "Ascension" After a brief stop by the Citadel to check on Ashley's condition, the Normandy receives a distress call from Grissom Academy, an Alliance funded school for gifted...
Mass Effect 3 - Episode 4
Episode 4: "From Ashes" After dealing with some technical issues aboard the Normandy, Shepard returns to Eden Prime, the place where it all started, after getting reports of Cerberus...
Mass Effect 3 - Episode 3
Episode 3: "The Primarch" After receiving no support from the Council, the Normandy crew heads to the Turian homeworld, Palaven, to attempt to extract the Turian Primarch from Palaven's...
Mass Effect 3 - Episode 2
Episode 2: "Politics" After escaping Mars with the Cerberus machine, The Normandy heads to the Citadel to get medical attention for the critically wounded Lt. Commander Williams. While...
Mass Effect 3 - Episode 1
Episode 1: "Fight or Flight" The Reapers have arrived. Though Shepard's actions in destroying the Alpha Relay, at the cost of 300,000 Batarian lives, did delay the Reaper invasion by...
Mass Effect 2 - Epilogue
Epilogue: "Arrival" Commander Shepard gets a call from Admiral Hackett, asking him to go on a dangerous solo mission involving possible information regarding the Reapers' invasion...
Mass Effect 2 - Episode 26
Episode 26: "Suicide" The Collectors have abducted tens of thousands of humans from the Terminus Systems, each time retreating back through the unmapped Omega-4 relay. With the Reaper IFF...
Mass Effect 2 - Episode 25
Episode 25: "A House Divided" While waiting for the Reaper IFF to be installed, Shepard gets to know his new Geth crew member, Legion.
Mass Effect 2 - Episode 24
Episode 24: "Old Machine" With the team fully assembled, and all team members' personal matters dealt with, Shepard feels that they are ready to attack the Collectors. However, they must...