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Mass Effect 2 - Episode 22
Episode 22: "Sins of the Father" With his terminal illness progressing further each day, Thane has decided to reveal to Shepard that he has a son. Thane fears his son may be falling in...
Mass Effect 2 - Episode 21
Episode 21: "Treason" Tali receives troubling news from the Migrant Fleet; she has been charged with treason. The Normandy must travel to the Fleet's current location in order for her to...
Mass Effect 2 - Episode 20
Episode 20: "Rite of Passage" Grunt is having uncontrollable violent outbursts, so Shepard takes him to Tuchanka to see if Wrex can help.
Mass Effect 2 - Episode 19
Episode 19: "Eye for an Eye" Shepard travels to the Shadow Broker Base to check up on Liara now that she is the new Shadow Broker. Later, Garrus has found a lead on the former team member...
Mass Effect 2 - Episode 18
Episode 18: "Lair of the Shadow Broker" In this special episode, Shepard assists Liara in her hunt for the Shadow Broker.
Mass Effect 2 - Episode 17
Episode 17: "Old Blood" Mordin has received Intel that a former member of his team that worked on the Genophage modification has been kidnapped by Blood Pack mercenaries. So he asks...
Mass Effect 2 - Episode 16
Episode 16: "Subject Zero" After meticulous study of the Cerberus files Shepard gave her, Jack has discovered the location of the Cerberus research facility she was held captive at...
Mass Effect 2 - Episode 15
Episode 15: "The Justicar" The Normandy returns to Ilium, with only one dossier remaining. Shepard catches up with Liara T'Soni and learns where he can find the last recruit; a member of...
Mass Effect 2 - Episode 14
Episode 14: "The Collectors" Cerberus intercepts a Turian distress signal reporting an encounter with a Collector ship, so the Illusive Man sends Shepard to investigate.
Mass Effect 2 - Episode 13
Episode 13: "The Gift of Greatness" Jacob receives a puzzling message sent directly to his private terminal, and asks Shepard to help him investigate.
Mass Effect 2 - Episode 12
Episode 12: "The Prodigal" Miranda needs Shepard's help with a personal matter on Illium. While there, Shepard learns some startling facts about Reaper actions in the Milky Way prior to...
Mass Effect 2 - Episode 11
Episode 11: "The Price of Revenge" The Normandy docks on Omega to recruit the veteran mercenary Zaeed Massani. While there, Shepard gains some insight into Aria T'Loak's past.
Mass Effect 2 - Episode 10
Episode 10: "The Assassin" Commander Shepard lands on the Asari dominated world Illium, looking to recruit a notorious assassin to the team, and runs into an old acquaintance.
Mass Effect 2 - Episode 9
Episode 9: "Ultraviolet" Shepard and The Normandy travel deep into Geth controlled Space in search of his former teammate, Tali'Zorah vas Neema.